MORE: The DVD. P. Oetter & E. Richter. Out of stock.
MORE: Integrating the mouth with sensory and postural functions. P. Oetter, E. Richter & S. Frick. Therapro, Framingham, MA 1995.
Out of the Mouths of Babes: Discovering the Developmental Significance of the Mouth. P. Oetter, E. Richter, R. Frick & S. Frick. Therapro, Framingham, MA: 1996.
Camp Avanti: A wholistic model for advanced sensory integration treatment. E. Richter & C. Colangelo. In Current Topics in Sensory Integration, Sensory Integrational International, Torrance, CA: 1992.
Sensorimotor Integration for Developmentally Disabled Children; A Handbook, 2nd Edition Montgomery, Richter. Western Psychological Services, Inc., Log Angeles, California, 1991.
Environmental Matrices for Sensory Integrative Treatment, E. Richter, MPH, OTR, FAOTA P. Oetter, MA, OTR, FAOTA. In Environment: Implications for Occupational Therapy Practice, Merrill, S., Ed. AOTA, Rockville, MD 1990.
Sensorimotor Performance Analysis, Richter, Montgomery. Out of print. 1989.
The Effect of Sensory Integrative Therapy on the Neuromotor Development of Retarded Children , Montgomery, Richter. Journal of the American Physical Therapy Association. July, 1977.
Latest innovations:
Inflatables with a variety of shapes and surfaces to challenge and release fixed muscles and work to strengthen more dynamic stability patterns with balanced mobility.
The Mountain
The Hill
The Barrel
The Log
The Hotdog (Barrel with Log inside)
The Ocean Wave
These products offer endless opportunities for total body movement combining sensory motor experiences with spatial components.
The Baby Boundex® and
Toddler Tumblex
A new form of spandex apparatus that does not require suspension points. The significant aspect of the these items lies in the exceptional (and safe) sensory motor experience they offer the baby, toddler and elementary children.
The Baby Boundex® is now available under the name Boundex.To order: Baby Boundex